Cristiano Ronaldo made an interesting comment about his goal scoring abilities at the Champions League draw. He said “The goals, they are like the ketchup”. We decided to drop the 5 from our iconic logo just for him.

Copywriter: Adam Vanderkolff

Art Director: Daniel Corrigan

Creative Director: Daniel Szczepanek

The personalities over at Good Mythical Morning taste tested a ‘Kool-Aid Enchilada’ in one of their videos. It’s fair to say they weren’t fans. The Kool-Aid Man politely asked for a retrial. The post hit #1 on the GMM subreddit.

Copywriter: Adam Vanderkolff

Art Director: Daniel Corrigan

Creative Director: Daniel Szczepanek

In the midst of the Kendrick and Drake feud, we decided enough is enough. Why can’t we just rejoice over a bowl of mac? K and D clearly work well together as it is.

Copywriter: Adam Vanderkolff

Content Creator: Samuel Bird

Creative Director: Damon Crate


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